Diwali Gift Traditions

The Festival of Lights is a Time for Family & Friends

Diwali Wish List

Each year Diwali, or The Festival of Lights, brings family and friends together for a five-day celebration. The holiday honors the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and hope over despair. This ancient festival is a time for love and friendship and is enjoyed by Hindus the world over and marks the beginning of their New Year.

Diwali Wish List

Though Diwali itself is one day, the rituals enjoyed over five days include lighting candles and firecrackers and creating Rangoli (sand art) meant to invite Goddess Lakshmi — the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity — into their homes. It is the most celebrated festival in India, much like the Christmas holiday in the US. Shopping and exchanging gifts are a big part of the celebration with new clothes, jewelry, sweets, diyas (traditional oil lamps), and firecrackers topping the list of gifts given.

The significance in giving gifts is simple: To show love and honor to those you hold dear.

In ancient times, when Indian households depended solely on farming for their livelihood, people gave the gift of their farm produce for the day. Sweets and decorations were made at home and given as a token of love and good wishes. Though the heart and soul of the Festival have not changed, the way gifts are given has. Especially for those who are separated by distance. It can be difficult to know what to give when many miles or even an ocean separates us from loved ones. Lasting traditions survive the test of time when they are held dear while finding ways to adapt to our ever changing lives and cultures.

That is one of the reasons why Gift Hero was created. By making a wish list and sharing it with family and friends, you are able to communicate about who you are -Loved ones get an intimate look into what it is that you are wishing for. Here are some items that we added to a sample wish list:

Diwali Gifts Wish List

As Diwali approaches and you are thinking of what to bestow on the ones you love best, consider asking them to make a wish list on Gift Hero. It’s fun and easy! When it comes to gift giving, there is no better authority on what to give than the person you’ll be buying for.

May the light and love of Diwali stay with you all through the year

A note on prices: Any price and availability information displayed on www.amazon.com at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of the product.